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Aproximaciones entre las redes neuronales y los operadores borrosos

P. Tejedor, M.A. Sanz-Bobi

X Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy - ESTYLF 2000, Seville (Spain). 20-22 septiembre 2000


This paper describes the main results concerning a comparative study between simple architectures of trained neural networks using the logistic function as activation function, and the performance of the classic Lukasiewicz operators. The paper shows how those operators can explain trained neural networks. Other fuzzy operators are tested and the results explained. In all cases the results obtained promise an advance in the explanation of trained neural networks using fuzzy logic.

Keywords: Rule extraction, neural networks, fuzzy logic

Publication date: September 2000.

Tejedor, P., Sanz-Bobi, M.A., Aproximaciones entre las redes neuronales y los operadores borrosos, X Congreso Español sobre Tecnologías y Lógica Fuzzy - ESTYLF 2000, Seville (Spain). 20-22 September 2000.


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